November 27, 2010

Hometown Hero: Arcadia Bandini

Arcadia Bandini

I wish I could time travel, sit with Arcadia on the porch of her home on Ocean Avenue, and talk about her life.  I would tell her that her gifts to the city have given shape and meaning to Santa Monica.
I can only study the accumulated facts and imagine what it might have been like to be the daughter of a prominent Ranchero family in Alta California; to witness the change to Statehood; and see the transformation of California. 
Arcadia’s aesthetic and social vision set a standard for Santa Monica.  Palisades Park, originally named Linda Vista, was her vision and she donated the land from Colorado to Montana for the park.  Then, the company she co-owned with Nevada Senator John Percival Jones donated the land from Montana to the northern end of the city to complete the park.
Arcadia was born in 1827, the daughter of Juan Bandini and Dolores Estudillo, a prominent and powerful family who owned Ranchos in San Diego.  In a decision, not unusual for their time and the standing of their family, Arcadia was married, at age 14, to a business acquaintance of her father’s, Abel Stearns. 
Stearns, born in Massachusetts in 1799, had come to Alta California to make his fortune.  He became a Mexican citizen, which required converting to Catholicism and speaking Spanish.  As a Mexican citizen he could then hope to achieve both social and political standing.
Dona Arcadia Bandini de Stearns and Don Abel Stearns lived in “El Palacio” on the corner of Main and Arcadia Streets, near Olvera Street.  The 1860 census lists their household as having 19 members living in the over 20,000 square foot residence – Abel Stearns, Arcadia Bandini, Refugio Bandini, Arcadia’s sisters, nieces, nephews, distinguished guests, secretaries, servants, painters and laborers.  
According to Arcadia’s grand-nephew, Ricardo Bandini Johnson, “Arcadia was known to be generous and likeable and very close to her family. Stearns was often away- both for business and for health reasons – and did not pay a lot of attention to Arcadia.”
Stearns died, in 1871, at the Grand Hotel in San Francisco.  Arcadia continued running the businesses.  Four years after the death of Stearns, on April 25, 1875, she married Colonel Robert Symington Baker, a wealthy sheep rancher and a prominent landowner.
That same year, Baker started construction on the namesake Baker Block.  Baker wanted a grand home and replaced El Palacio with a 3 story, 64,428 square foot building.  The first two floors were rented for commercial businesses and offices and the top floor was the residence.
An ornate building, it expressed the aesthetics of the ‘Gilded Age’ in which they lived. The large, land grant families: Sepulveda; Reyes; Lugo; Machado; Wolfskill, who donated the land for the VA cemetery:  Carrillo; Pico; Figueroa; Kinney; and Rindge were frequent guests at their famous dances and parties.
Stearns and Baker both spoke excellent Spanish as well as English.  Arcadia spoke only Spanish; at least she spoke only Spanish in public.  It’s easy to imagine that she understood a great deal and probably could speak, at least some, English. It is also easy to imagine that it was to her advantage in business and in society to speak only Spanish.
Baker owned Rancho San Vicente, bought from the Sepulveda Family for $55,000.  The Rancho included all of Santa Monica and its borders were Pico, Sepulveda, Topanga, and the Pacific Ocean.  Two years later Baker sold a portion of the Rancho to Senator Jones for $162,500.  Jones described Rancho San Vicente as the “most beautiful place I have ever seen.”
Baker and Jones filed a Platt map for the first subdivision of Santa Monica.  The 50’ x 150’ lots, located between Ocean Avenue, 26th Street, Montana Avenue, and Colorado Avenue, sold at land auction for $150 to $300.
Arcadia Bandini’s vision for the city, as well as her business acumen, is demonstrated in the lay out of the Platt map.  Lots were designated for housing, schools, parks, churches, and businesses.  Parks and school sites were deeded to the new City.
Ricardo Bandini Johnson says, “Arcadia and Jones were the main force behind the donations.  Jones however, was mostly in Washington DC, and Arcadia Bandini and Georgina Jones became close friends and partners in the family business.”
Baker had significant health problems. In 1879, with Jones’ encouragement, Arcadia bought Baker’s interest in Rancho San Vicente.  Arcadia Bandini and Jones then formed the Santa Monica Land and Water Company.  They decided to sell large tracts of land north of Montana Avenue - another very successful business move.
In the 1880’s Arcadia built her home on the 1200 block of Ocean Avenue overlooking Linda Vista Park and the Pacific Ocean.  She kept the Baker Block, but mostly lived in Santa Monica.  Many members of the Bandini family continued to live in the Baker Block.
Arcadia’s life was one of business, grand entertaining, and family.  She spent time at her working sheep ranch where there were extensive gardens and opportunities for guests to hunt.  She was a frequent visitor to the beach.
In 1892 Arcadia’s brother Juan Bandini came from San Diego to work with Arcadia and stayed, becoming her most trusted advisor until his death in 1906. He was her closest friend and she deeply mourned his death.
Juan Bandini, in his diary entry on May 26, 1894, wrote,  “After 3:30 had a message that Mr. Baker had died at 2:30 and I went on the 5:45 (He is referring to a train on the railroad built by Senator Jones.).
Arcadia continued to live and work in Santa Monica until her death in her home on Ocean Avenue, September 15, 1912.  Senator Jones, her long time business partner and the husband of her close friend, Georgina Jones, died the same year.
Arcadia Bandini de Stearns de Baker is buried in the Bandini family plot at Cavalry Cemetery on Whittier Blvd. in Boyle Heights, alongside her father, Juan Bandini, and her husbands, Abel Stearns and Robert Baker.
Arcadia Bandini made donations of land, all over the Los Angeles region, to be used for parks, schools, orphanages and other projects that were of public benefit. As there was no facility for veterans of the Civil War west of the Mississippi she donated the land for the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers and Sailors.  (Now the Veteran’s Administration).
Arcadia Bandini’s thoughtful and generous gifts to Santa Monica were instrumental in determining the character of the city. We are the fortunate beneficiaries.

Ricardo Bandini Johnson, the great nephew of Arcadia Bandini, shared his family’s history. I couldn’t have told Arcadia’s story without his generosity.

November 12, 2010

What Say You. Thought for Food.

Food, wonderful, glorious food now has new meaning and new questions.  Will you pick up your fork and enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday?  Or will you worry if the food you are about to eat is healthy and safe?  Perhaps you will worry that guests at your table will have food rules that will stop them from eating or enjoying the food at your table.  Or you will worry that the food on your table came at the cost of harm to the planet.
Thanksgiving, a favorite holiday of my childhood, had all the fun of a holiday party yet seemed the most easygoing of all holidays.   But it doesn’t seem to me to be so easygoing any more.
How did eating become so complicated?  Food is designed to be
a pleasure as well as a necessity.  It’s purpose is to bring energy, to build strong bodies and good health, and, hopefully, to share joy.
My maternal grandmother knew food as a pleasure as well as a necessity.  In my grandmother’s generation all food was local, all food was seasonal and all food was organic.

Family lore has it that my grandmother was working in the fields on her family’s farm when a man came by on horseback.  She gave him a drink of water, they exchanged pleasantries and, before he left he said, “I’ll be back.  Please wait for me.”
They were married in the old country.  He came to America and she and the first six of their nine children came later.     So eleven was the standard number for dinner.  Often, there were guests.  My grandfather loved good conversation and good music.  If he met someone who could add to the conversation at the table or who could join him, after dinner, in playing the violin, he invited that person home to dinner.
My grandmother loved my grandfather, loved that he brought educated and talented people to her table, and loved music.  Her challenge was to provide enough to eat for everyone who sat down.
It goes without saying that the most important quality of any feast table is the love and care of the people at the table for one another.  It also goes without saying that food and memory are intertwined, memories of our mother’s kitchens, memories of our favorite foods, memories of loved ones around the table.
Now food is about so much more than nutrition and memory.
Every time we pick up our forks we make a choice for our health, a choice for the health of our community, a choice for the health of the planet.   Even the choice not to think about it is a choice.
The first thought is often for health.  Are the fruits and vegetables I’m eating organic?  Do I have to worry about chemical pesticides that present health risks?  Was the meat or poultry sustainably farmed or does it contain hormones and antibiotics that present health risks?  
The second thought is often for the health of the community and the planet.  Is this food local?  Did getting it to my table contribute to the carbon footprint?  Did chemical pesticides leach into the water table and harm the water supply?  Did chemical pesticides get into our rivers and lakes and harm the aquatic life?   Was the food on my table sustainably farmed, not only for my health, but also for the health of my community and the planet?
How do we answer these questions?  Fortunately, information is everywhere today.  In “The Omnivore’s Dilemma” Michael Pollan takes us through the origins of four meals, our choices, and how we got to today’s food dilemma.  Building on the work of her mother, American food guru, Frances Moore Lappe, Anna Lappe’s new book is “Diet for a Hot Planet: The Climate Crisis at the End of Your Fork and What You Can Do About It.” The New York Times magazine devoted the October 10 issue to “Eating Together” in praise of the sharing of community that has been created as an unintended, but welcome, benefit of the organic, sustainable, local food movement.  Magazines in every part of our country, such as Vermont’s “Local Banquet”, DC’s “Flavor” and Martha Stewart’s “body + soul”, cajole and entice us to give thought to our food, our health, the health of our communities, and the health of the planet.
We have much to be grateful for and much to think about as we give our thanks this year for family and friends and life.  Let us also give thought for food. 
What Say You?

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